
Ages 2+

Affirm Your Child's Value

What is a Blessing?

A Blessing is a powerful tool with which we communicate acceptance and genuine commitment. The word comes from the ancient practice of weighing coins on a scale to determine value.  Blessing someone “adds value” to his or her life.  We see in scripture the word "bless" or "blessing" used almost seven hundred times.  The Bible also gives us great evidence that our God is a God of blessing.  We receive that blessing from our Heavenly Father and have the wonderful opportunity to pass it on.

Who Needs Blessing? 

Everyone needs to experience unconditional love and acceptance from their parents.  Those who didn’t receive it can spend later years trying to fill the void missed at home. Those who did receive the blessing have a tremendous advantage in life.  An example of this dynamic is recorded in Genesis chapter 28 in the story of Jacob’s two sons.

On the Go Blessings: 

Speak words of blessing to your child while driving to school, tucking into bed, celebrating an accomplishment or good effort, or writing a note to place in their lunch.

I was so proud of you when I saw you…

I think God is going to use you in the future to…

God has gifted you with a unique ability to…

Bedtime Blessing Prayer: 

Select a special scripture to pray over your child each evening, such as:
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
Consider framing the verse to keep beside your child’s bed. Lay your hand gently on their arm or shoulder while praying to reassure him or her with a loving touch.

Intentionality this Year

  • Pray daily for your child.
  • Consistently spend time in God’s Word. 
  • Bless your child daily.
  • Attend church regularly.

And [Jesus] took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
Mark 10:16

© Inkling Innovations 2019, updated Ignite Church 2024.