Commit to Raise Your Child in a God-Honoring Home
God designed the home as the primary place for faith to be nurtured. One way that we seek to partner with you, is by providing resources for you to model, teach, and reinforce the Christian faith throughout your child’s spiritual journey. We call this the Faith Path. Dedication is the first step. Dedication is a special time during the worship service in which you make a formal commitment to raise your child in a Christ-centered home. We see several examples in the Bible, such as 1 Samuel 1:24–2:10, when Hannah dedicated Samuel at the temple, and Luke 2, where Mary and Joseph dedicated Jesus. During the worship service, we will bring you before the congregation and ask you to commit to raising your child to meet, know, and follow Jesus. We will then ask our members to walk alongside you in that effort. God designed the home as the primary place for faith to be nurtured.