
Ages 9+

Teach Your Child to Make a Difference

God blesses and entrusts each of us with gifts, talents, and resources.  Look for opportunities to teach your child to be a good steward of these blessings from the Lord in a way that will honor and glorify Him. 


Followers of Jesus give a portion of their income to meet the needs of God's work and other people as an act of obedience and worship. In Genesis 28:10-22 we see Jacob making a vow to the Lord, worshipping Him, and giving ten percent (also called a tithe) back to God.    

In reality, teaching children about money through tithes and offerings is not about giving to God. It is about reminding ourselves that we are dependent upon the One who gives all good gifts and that we are mere stewards rather than owners. Giving reflects obedience, showing that we love a God who is worthy to be obeyed in all areas of life. It is also an opportunity to participate in something bigger than ourselves with eternal value.    

Model It: 

Start by putting into practice the disciplines you want your child to learn. This may mean taking steps to become a better steward of your family’s finances. Let your child see that you first give money to the church. Model generosity by giving a spontaneous gift to a homeless person or to a missionary. 2 Corinthians 9:7 “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 

Teach It: 

If your child receives money from an allowance, job, or gift, take the time to help him or her divide the money wisely. A good place to start is to set aside 10% for giving, 10% for saving and 80% for spending on other activities and items.

Intentionality this Year

  • Schedule and have regular Family Time.
    • Create a habit of worship with your child.
    • Consistently spend time in God’s Word with your child.
    • Pray daily for and with your child.
  • Bless your child daily.
  • Help your child practice generosity.
© Inkling Innovations 2019, updated Ignite Church 2024.