Teach Your Child How to Adore God
Worship is our response to the greatness of God. Many Christians limit the concept to singing songs in church. We need to help our children understand that worship involves much more than attending a weekend service. Worship is both an action and an attitude. Scripture says that true worship begins in the heart of the believer (John 4:23). Worship involves taking the focus off of ourselves and directing our attention toward God, who He is, and what He has done. We may be great multi-taskers who can accomplish multiple things at once, but real worship only occurs when we give God our complete and sole attention.
Actually, children don’t need to be taught how to worship but whom to worship. Most kids idolize heroes from the world of sports, music, and television. They memorize every statistic and detail about this or that celebrity. In other words, they “worship” in the purest form by focusing their complete attention on someone they admire rather than on themselves. It is our job to help them see the wonder of our awesome God. The best way to teach your child how to worship God on a personal level is by doing it yourself and modeling a life of worship with your words and actions. Allow your child to experience the “wow” of who God is. Intentionally point out the amazing things that God has done and is doing.
It is also important to spend time worshipping together at home and at church. Create family worship experiences during Family Time using songs, prayer and scripture. Make public worship a priority by gathering with other believers to focus on God through the same elements.
Make it a priority to help your child discover real worship. Use any of the following ideas to get started:
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.
Psalm 29:2