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Sermon Series

Sep 8, 2024


Jul 28, 2024

Sep 1, 2024

The best way to study the fruit of the Spirit is to study Christ Himself. By examining His ministry in the Gospels, we discover how Jesus exhibited perfectly the fruit of the Holy Spirit—and how, when we abide in Him, we also bear spiritual fruit.

May 5, 2024

Jul 21, 2024

Writing toward the end of his life, Paul instructs Titus to organize local churches on the island of Crete. The young pastor was to appoint elders, teach biblical doctrine, and refute false teaching. Titus provides us with timeless principles for building healthy churches.

Apr 7, 2024

Apr 28, 2024

God’s purpose is that the nations would know Him. Missions is our role in God’s plan to reach the nations. In this study, we trace the theme of global missions in Scripture, through church history, and into today.


Jan 14, 2024

Mar 17, 2024

As the last book in the Old Testament, Malachi functions like a bridge to the New Testament. His message calls Israel to renewed covenant faithfulness. In a word, Malachi deals with spiritual revival. He preaches repentance and obedience to a people in need of God’s restorative work.

Dec 3, 2023

Dec 24, 2023

The word advent means arrival. Every December, the church throughout the world takes four weeks to reflect upon the greatest news in history: God came to us in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. In this study, we walk through the four Gospel accounts and their witness to Jesus’ arrival.

Sep 10, 2023

Nov 26, 2023

Colossians is one of the most Christ-centered books in the New Testament. Written from a Roman prison to the first-century church in Colossae, Paul warns the early Christians against adding to Christ’s finished work or accommodating His teachings to appease the culture around them. The letter’s theme is a timeless reminder for churches everywhere: Christ is all.

Aug 6, 2023

Aug 27, 2023

In this short study, we examine the biblical basis for our church’s core values: Gospel, Discipleship, Excellence, and Generosity.


May 7, 2023

Jul 23, 2023

This series offers a biographical look into Paul’s conversion, life, and legacy. Ultimately, Paul is an example of what God can do with a life surrendered to His purpose.

Apr 16, 2023

Apr 30, 2023

Misconceptions about the Holy Spirit abound. But the biblical teaching, far from being controversial, is immensely clear and a source of great comfort. This study looks at the basics of the Holy Spirit’s relationship to the believer.

Jan 15, 2023

Mar 26, 2023

In what is one of the most difficult-to-understand Old Testament books, the author invites us to consider with him weighty themes like worship, wealth, contentment, and eternity. Ultimately, this book offers us wisdom for navigating life under God’s rule.

Dec 4, 2022

Dec 25, 2022

The word advent means “arrival.” When Jesus arrived, He brought with Him hope for humanity, peace for our conflicts, the love of the Father, and divine joy. In this study, we look at these four truths through a biblical lens, showing how our Lord embodied and proclaimed them in His ministry.

Sep 11, 2022

Nov 20, 2022

Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, resurrection, and the Great Commission | Matthew wrote His Gospel to persuade Jews that Jesus is the promised Messiah of old. His account demonstrates how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament, bringing salvation to Jew and Gentile alike in His life, death, and resurrection.


Aug 21, 2022

Sep 4, 2022

At only one chapter in length, Jude writes with urgency to the early church, calling them to contend for the Gospel and refute false teaching. Jude’s letter reminds the church in every generation to know and defend the Good News.

Jul 31, 2022

Aug 14, 2022

What is church membership, and is it a biblical idea? In this sermon series, we look at what the New Testament teaches concerning the local church and what covenanting with a church in membership entails.

May 1, 2022

Jul 10, 2022

Jesus’ Olivet Discourse | Matthew wrote His Gospel to persuade Jews that Jesus is the promised Messiah of old. His account demonstrates how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament, bringing salvation to Jew and Gentile alike in His life, death, and resurrection.

Apr 3, 2022

Apr 24, 2022

There is perhaps no more recognizable symbol than the Christian cross. How did an instrument of torture become the symbol of our faith? This study examines both the terrors and glories of Christ’s cross and its benefits for those who believe.

Jan 16, 2022

Mar 20, 2022

Jesus’ Passion Week: His triumphal entry and ministry in Jerusalem | Matthew wrote His Gospel to persuade Jews that Jesus is the promised Messiah of old. His account demonstrates how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament, bringing salvation to Jew and Gentile alike in His life, death, and resurrection.

Nov 28, 2021

Dec 19, 2021

The church has confessed for two thousand years that Jesus is truly God and truly man. This series of sermons introduces us to essential Christology: His humanity, deity, and the unity of His two natures.

Sep 12, 2021

Nov 21, 2021

Jesus’ teaching on the character of kingdom citizens | Matthew wrote His Gospel to persuade Jews that Jesus is the promised Messiah of old. His account demonstrates how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament, bringing salvation to Jew and Gentile alike in His life, death, and resurrection.


Jul 18, 2021

Aug 29, 2021

As a prophet during a period of great spiritual darkness in Israel, God commissioned Jonah to evangelize not his own people, but the Assyrians. This book foreshadows the ministry of Christ, who, as a greater Jonah, was sent to proclaim salvation to the nations.

May 9, 2021

Jul 11, 2021

Jesus clarifies His divine identity and redemptive mission | Matthew wrote His Gospel to persuade Jews that Jesus is the promised Messiah of old. His account demonstrates how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament, bringing salvation to Jew and Gentile alike in His life, death, and resurrection.


Mar 28, 2021

Apr 25, 2021

The epistle to the Hebrews was written to make one point: Jesus is greater. In this study, we work through the major arguments in Hebrews to show the supremacy of Christ over all things.

Jan 3, 2021

Mar 14, 2021

Jesus’ parables on the kingdom | Matthew wrote His Gospel to persuade Jews that Jesus is the promised Messiah of old. His account demonstrates how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament, bringing salvation to Jew and Gentile alike in His life, death, and resurrection.

Nov 29, 2020

Dec 27, 2020

The four Gospels each offer a unique perspective to the person and work of Christ. In this study, we look at the four Gospel witnesses to Jesus’ birth and their unique contribution to the most significant event in world history: the arrival of God incarnate.